On this holy night, we gathered to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the light of the world. Through scripture, carols, and candlelight, we were reminded of the profound truth that God knows us intimately and loves us deeply. The story of Christ’s birth is not just an ancient tale but a living reminder that God enters into the beauty and messiness of our lives to bring salvation, healing, and hope.
The service featured readings from Psalm 139 and Philippians 2, reflecting on God’s intimate knowledge of us and His humility in becoming human. In the candlelight, we sang “Silent Night” as a symbol of Christ’s light spreading throughout the world.
As we depart, may the message of Emmanuel, “God with us,” remain in our hearts—guiding us with peace, filling us with joy, and sending us forth to love and serve in His name.
“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those whom he favors.” – Luke 2:14
Merry Christmas and may the grace of Christ be with you all.